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相关搜索: jquery相册 九宫格 美女 
下载次数: 5
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  • 编  号: 20120321081844
  • 浏览器兼容IE7.0,IE8.0,IE9.0,Firefox9.0及以前,Firefox10.0,Chrome17.0及以前,Chrome18.0,Opera
  • 更新日期: 2012-03-21
  • 大  小: 4.86MB
  • 浏览次量: 2968
  • 开发者链接: 官网  演示
  • 相  关: 违规举报
  • 收  藏:( 0 人收藏) 加入收藏
  • 此内容校验人员: admin
 少尉 上传于/2012-03-21 08:20:54

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<body style="text-align:center">
  <div class="wrapper">
   <h1>Black and White Box Gallery with jQuery</h1>
   <!-- BW Box Gallery -->
   <div id="xg_container" class="xg_container">
    The BW images that are shown in the beginning when hovering
    First one is shown by default
    <div class="xg_bgimages">
     <img src="images/album1/bw/1.jpg" alt="" style="display:block;"/>
     <img src="images/album2/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album3/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album4/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album5/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album6/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album7/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album8/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
     <img src="images/album9/bw/1.jpg" alt=""/>
    <!-- The grid. Change the rel attribute to the color you want to animate to-->
    <ul class="xg_menu">
     <li><a href="#" rel="#00BFFF"><span>Accessories</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#ADFF2F"><span>Dresses</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#9932CC"><span>Blazers & Jackets</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#FF1493"><span>Intimate Apparel</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#FF4500"><span>Jeans</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#EE82EE"><span>Swimwear</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#4169E1"><span>Shirts & Blouses</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#FFD700"><span>Skirts</span></a></li>
     <li><a href="#" rel="#DC143C"><span>Activewear</span></a></li>
    <div class="xg_back"></div>
    <div class="xg_preview">
     <div class="xg_nav">
      <a id="xg_prev_image" href="#" class="xg_prev_image"></a>
      <a id="xg_next_image" href="#" class="xg_next_image"></a>
     <div class="xg_loader"></div>
     <!-- The albums with all the BW images inside -->
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album1/1.jpg" alt="images/album1/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album1/2.jpg" alt="images/album1/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album1/3.jpg" alt="images/album1/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album2/1.jpg" alt="images/album2/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album2/2.jpg" alt="images/album2/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album2/3.jpg" alt="images/album2/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album3/1.jpg" alt="images/album3/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album3/2.jpg" alt="images/album3/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album3/3.jpg" alt="images/album3/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album4/1.jpg" alt="images/album4/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album4/2.jpg" alt="images/album4/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album4/3.jpg" alt="images/album4/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album5/1.jpg" alt="images/album5/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album5/2.jpg" alt="images/album5/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album5/3.jpg" alt="images/album5/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album6/1.jpg" alt="images/album6/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album6/2.jpg" alt="images/album6/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album6/3.jpg" alt="images/album6/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album7/1.jpg" alt="images/album7/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album7/2.jpg" alt="images/album7/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album7/3.jpg" alt="images/album7/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album8/1.jpg" alt="images/album8/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album8/2.jpg" alt="images/album8/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album8/3.jpg" alt="images/album8/bw/3.jpg"/>
     <div class="xg_album">
      <img src="images/album9/1.jpg" alt="images/album9/bw/1.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album9/2.jpg" alt="images/album9/bw/2.jpg"/>
      <img src="images/album9/3.jpg" alt="images/album9/bw/3.jpg"/>

  <!-- The JavaScript -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.color.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   the images preload plugin
   (function($) {
    $.fn.preload = function(options) {
     var opts  = $.extend({}, $.fn.preload.defaults, options);
     o   = $.meta ? $.extend({}, opts, this.data()) : opts;
     var c  = this.length,
      l  = 0;
     return this.each(function() {
      var $i = $(this);
       if(l == c) o.onComplete();
    $.fn.preload.defaults = {
     onComplete : function(){return false;}
        <script type="text/javascript">
   $(function() {
    /*some caching elems*/
    var $xg_container = $('#xg_container'),
     $xg_menu  = $xg_container.children('.xg_menu'),
     $xg_preview  = $xg_container.children('.xg_preview'),
     $xg_back  = $xg_container.children('.xg_back'),
     $xg_next_image = $('#xg_next_image'),
     $xg_prev_image = $('#xg_prev_image'),
     //current is the position of the selected item
     current   = 0,
     //for the timeout function
     $menu_links  = $xg_menu.find('a'),
     $bg_images  = $xg_container.children('.xg_bgimages').children(),
     //all images in the preview container
     $preview_images = $xg_preview.find('img');
    /*check if you are using a browser*/ 
    var ie     = false;
    if ($.browser.msie) {
     ie = true;//you are not!Anyway let's give it a try
    /*first preload images in the menu*/
     onComplete : function(){
      //init events
    //preload black&white images
     var src = $(this).attr('alt');
    function initEventHandlers(){
      var $link = $(this);
      //if animation return
       return false;
      //animate the color of the span
        backgroundColor: $link.attr('rel')
        }, 1000);
      var $item = $link.parent(),
       pos  = $item.index();
      //change the menu image
      //the setTimeout is used to prevent
      //the image to change when the user moves the mouse
      //very quickly through the images
      t = setTimeout(function(){
      var $link = $(this);
      //reset background color
        backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
        }, 1000);
      //if animation return
       return false;
      //get the current album 
      var $album    = $xg_preview.find('.xg_album')
      //current image for this album
      var current_idx  = $album.data('current');
       $current_image  = $album.children('img')
       $current_image  = $album.children('img:first');
      //reset the left value and show the image
      //hide the menu
      //the bg image of the menu
      var $bg_image = $bg_images.eq(current);
      //animate the opacity of the bg image to 0,
      //and hide it
      //animate the opacity of the current image to 1
      //first reset the opacity to 0
           //check if we show the next and previous
           //navigation buttons
           if($current_image.index() > 0)
           if($current_image.nextAll().length > 0)
           //clicking the next button,
           //shows the next image. The image is animated
           //from right to left with an easing effect
           //also, the current image gets hidden
               if($current_image.nextAll().length == 1)
               var $next_image = $current_image.next();
               //if no animations and elem exists
               if($next_image.length && !$next_image.is(':animated')){
                    left : '0px'
                    $current_image = $next_image;
           //clicking the prev button,
           //shows the prev image. The current image is animated
           //from left to right with an easing effect
           //also, the slided image gets hidden    
               if($current_image.nextAll().length == 0)
               if($current_image.index() == 1)
               var $prev_image = $current_image.prev();
               //if no animations and elem exists
               if($prev_image.length && !$current_image.is(':animated')){
                    left : '800px'
                    $current_image = $prev_image;
           //when clicking on the back button,
           //hide the navigation buttons,
           //show the menu,
           //show the menu image and hide the current image
               //if animations return
                return false;
               var $bg_image = $bg_images.eq(current);
               $bg_image.attr('src', $current_image.attr('alt'));
    changes the menu image
    function changeBgImage(pos){
     if(pos == current)
      return false;
     //hide the current
         'z-index' : '1'
         'opacity' : '0'
     //show the new one
         'opacity'  : '0',
         'z-index' : '999'
         'opacity' : '0.3'
     //set new current
     current = pos;   

<p> 收集:<a href="http://www.25175.com/" target="_blank">25175</a></p>



